ESPAÑOL: 4. En vuestra “Demo I” se pueden apreciar claramente dos vertientes diferentes de vuestra música. La primera es la más clásica y ortodoxa mezcla de Death Metal y Doom Metal, muy oscura, densa, pesada, monolítica y asfixiante, que podría compararse a bandas como Evoken, Winter, Ceremonium o Symphony of Grief ¿Qué te proporciona este estilo musical para que hayas creado una banda semejante? ¿Tienes algún objetivo en mente con respecto a The Fallen? Del tipo que sea, no me refiero única y exclusivamente en cuanto a repercusión de vuestra música.
-Sinceramente puedo decir que me gustan muchos estilos de musica como el Goth viejo y roñoso, Post Punk italiano, Musica Clasica Oscura, Rock Sicodelico Oscuro y fantasmal, Doom Death y Black Metal. Pero aun así el estilo de la banda me gusta por las energías! , es esa mi intención... crear ondas que puedan abrir portales y contactarse con seres del mas alla.
Actualmente tengo un proyecto llamado “Vual In Silence”, proyecto de música Dark Ambient con voces fantasmales, teclados, sintetizadores, campanas, órganos y mucho más... en ella tengo la misma intención... y lo he logrado!...
Además todo el concepto de la música y de la voz también trato en ella de expresar los sonidos de los Terremotos cuando cruje la tierra, de las erupciones volcánicas, de las tormentas y todo tipo de catástrofe natural en el mundo... he ahí el porque de mis voces y todo eso, ese es un importante fundamento ya que no es por solo gritar estupideces y sacar voces tecnicoperasguturales ni nada de esa mierda... es darle atmosfera a los sonidos mas oscuros y aplastantes de nuestra realidad en nuestro planeta llamado Tierra.
INGLES: 4. In your "Demo I" can be appreciated clearly two different aspects of your music. The first is the classical and orthodox mix of Death Metal and Doom Metal, very dark, dense, heavy, monolithic and asphyxiating, which could be compared to bands like Evoken, Winter, or Symphony of Grief Ceremonium What gives this music style you have created a band like that? Do you have a goal in mind about The Fallen? Of any kind, I do not mean only and exclusively in terms of impact of your music.
-I can honestly say that I like many styles of music like the old and rusty Goth, Post Punk Italian Classical Music Dark, Dark and ghostly psychedelic rock, Doom Death and Black Metal.
But still the band's style I like for the energy! It is my intention ... create waves that can open portals and contact with beings from beyond.
Currently I have a project called "Vual In Silence" Dark Ambient music project with ghostly voices, keyboards, synthesizers, bells, organs and more ... in it I have the same intention ... and I made it! ...
Also the entire concept of music and voice it also try to express the sounds of Earthquakes when creaking the earth, volcanic eruptions, storms and all kinds of natural disasters in the world ... that is the because of my voice and all, this is an important foundation and is not just screaming stupid things and get tecnicoperasguturales voices or anything like that crap ... is to give atmosphere to the sounds darker and overwhelming reality on our planet called Earth.
-I can honestly say that I like many styles of music like the old and rusty Goth, Post Punk Italian Classical Music Dark, Dark and ghostly psychedelic rock, Doom Death and Black Metal.
But still the band's style I like for the energy! It is my intention ... create waves that can open portals and contact with beings from beyond.
Currently I have a project called "Vual In Silence" Dark Ambient music project with ghostly voices, keyboards, synthesizers, bells, organs and more ... in it I have the same intention ... and I made it! ...
Also the entire concept of music and voice it also try to express the sounds of Earthquakes when creaking the earth, volcanic eruptions, storms and all kinds of natural disasters in the world ... that is the because of my voice and all, this is an important foundation and is not just screaming stupid things and get tecnicoperasguturales voices or anything like that crap ... is to give atmosphere to the sounds darker and overwhelming reality on our planet called Earth.